Gurjarvani and Jeevan Darshan together organized a Media Training workshop for religious from April 23 to 4th May at Jeevan Darshan, Vadodara. The aim of this workshop was to equip us with communication skills to express ourselves creatively and effectively to the people wherever we serve. There were 18 participants including Jesuit scholastics, seminarians from Baroda diocese and sisters from various congregations. A few day-scholars too attended sessions according to their own interest. The training covered the basic subjects of story-telling, script-writing, presentation skills, power-point presentations, photography, video shooting, editing, audio recording, creating a blog, use of internet, social media etc. The participants were kept extremely busy in the heat of Baroda with a lot of hands on which helped them very much.
From a class-room equipped with computers for each of the participant to the arrangements of food was fabulous. The participants were provided with still as well as video cameras for 24 hours to practice as per their interest. Creative audio-visual prayers and Eucharistic celebrations added flavor to the entire learning experience. We all realized how important and necessary it is for all of us to know and equip ourselves with communication skills in Today's world to spread the values of Christ. Most of them expressed to have such training programs at regular intervals to be at pace with the demand of the fast changing world.
(Report by Sch. John Britto SJ)

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